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Our Team

Meet our passionate team of professionals who are committed to making a positive impact on your business's journey. Our consultants come from diverse backgrounds and possess a wealth of experience across various industries. Together, we form a dynamic team focused on delivering excellence and driving innovation.

ISO Matters Founder and CEO Justeen Kirk

Justeen Kirk

Founder & CEO

As a dedicated business services consultant, I specialise in project management, ISO consultation and strategic business planning. Committed to delivering exceptional outcomes, I'm known for my professionalism and unwavering integrity. With a background in project management, I excel in resource coordination, timeline management, and on-time delivery. Employing an outcomes-focused approach, I innovate solutions for complex challenges, driving sustainable growth. Passionate about impactful change, I empower businesses to thrive through expert guidance and support.

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Kate Granger


With 15+ years as a small business owner, I bring astute expertise in management, business planning, financial acumen, and process optimisation to the realm of consulting. Highly organised and adept at translating challenges into structured solutions, I fuse practical insights with strategic thinking. My goal is to empower businesses for growth by leveraging my hands-on experience and analytical skills.

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